Again and again....
Here come a new post. This time I've been tagged by SyahYaYa...
xtau la ape salah daku kat mereka shgga aku di seksa sebegini rupe..cheh..(want to challenge me??huh!!) What u give u will get back!!!
1)[printscreen] *current* wallpaper -- just a simple press of ctrl+prt sc
2)REASONS why do u like/adore/cherish the wallpaper???
3)tag 10 people
This my wallpaper =>
daku x ikot jgk..
The reas0n why I like this wallpaper cause I love the character (she looks great & perfect). i luv dat!!! muahaha~ ectually im using her laptop 4 duin sum work sbb laptop sndri blom bli lg..ayat di atas tu just edit syah punye, da kantoi daku meminjam laptop org..hehe~ r u jelous??no!!hahaha~
Time to tag back!!! I would like to tag this pers0ns:
- mizu'
- tayn
- djamossy
- xue
- pujot
- sharol gila
- huda
- aRip
- sumb0dy
- fiLzaH
sape lagi ek..eyh, da ckop ke??huhu~
Thursday, May 28
aku da ditag lagi!!
jeRitaN haTi ~wandie~ raNtai 02:55
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8 beBeLan:
aloh inchik.. shaye udah membuat tag itu sblmnyaaa.. kalu shaye baek hati nnti shaye wat lagik ea.. heheee
mmg seket0i2 ayt nyer haha =P
wah! ini moms!
eh xtau cmne nk letak screen nni kt tmpt post tu..
da wt ctrl + prnt scrn..
paste ke ape? saya xde....jd xperlu di tag rules r~ no instructions :P da ckp 10 okkie :D
eyh eyh eyh.
ni mama aka engku izyan schoolmate hoh! :D:D
okay later akan dibuat okay?
hari ni mahu shopping dulu!heh
milla: oo, da wat ke?? xpe2..:)t tuka reserve ok..hehe
i-syah: ayat mende??hehe:D
tayn: da wat cm2, bke paint n paste kat c2(ctrl+v), then save as to jpeg..pas2 upload gamba tu cm bese k...
xue: sori sbb missing rase nye ade..cube tgk blik.. sory 4 dat..rerajin le melawat yek..huhu~
khadijah: huhu..btol la tu..tau xpe..eyh, tlg shoppin tok shaye skali ye..nak ikot... :))
owhh okay..
sy cubaa later..
tq ..
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